“The Terrific Twos”
After my “near crazy” moment with Iman, I have had a lot of conversations about anger management. Recently I was told by another mom that we destine our children for disaster in their 3rd year, because we emphasize that it’s their “terrible two’s”. When we face parenting hurdles, we lay the blame on age, not technique. So it’s been decided that new-age parenting calls for a change. The two’s will no longer be addressed as “terrible”, but instead… TERRIFIC!
Two is the time for inquisitive minds… we need to relish this curiosity and enjoy their undying need to explore.
Two is the time for affection… we need to enjoy that 134th hug and kiss and learn to understand their need to be loved and looked after.
Two is the time for attention… we need to sit and listen and pay attention to them, even when they don’t make any sense.
Two is the time to understand… because sometimes they don’t, and we do.
Two is the time for patience… because we need to know that they don’t throw tantrums to annoy us, they do it because they want to be heard.
Two is the time to teach… because little minds can learn as much as we can offer.
And two is the time to cherish… because it’s just one year, and soon they’ll be older and wiser and our problems will transform into other things.
To all the moms who had or have or will have two year olds… let’s not let them be “terrible” any more!