Thursday, August 23, 2007

Love, Life and the Pursuit of Glamour

Long before I had Iman, long, long before I had even thought about having kids, I had promised myself one thing... no matter how demanding motherhood would be, I would never turn into one of those women who let their kids "take over" their personal appearance.

Ok, so I can't avoid the spit ups and the chocolate stains. I can't even avoid the rumpled "slept in" look on my clothes. But I can certainly keep a good haircut and look glamorous, despite the 3 year year old and the baby in tow.

Some days as I apply mascara while bouncing Ayzah in the other hand, I wonder if God meant for moms to look scruffy. But then I guess not. Moms have a lot of responsibility and a lot on their hands. If we can do something for ourselves, we should be proud, and happy to see a reflection of our old selves in our new roles.


At 7:07 PM, Blogger Shezalldat said...

VERY aptly put! =) I'd never been the kind to dress up or put in effort to dress up... but somewhere in the its been coming out slowly for the last two yrs.

At 3:36 AM, Blogger Lorraine said...

Good for you. I swore a solemn vow that motherhood was not going to doom me to a wardrobe of sweatsuits and tshirts. And it hasn't. I wear skirts more than pants, heels more than flats and try to always have a fresh manicure and wear makeup every day. I absolutely think it is one way of staking out a claim for ourselves. Motherhood is a consuming, fabulous job but it doesn't mean we have to look like frumps!

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Mona said...

hi you, i drafted a post along similar lines, i'll put it up sometime today, but yes, i know what you mean.

At 1:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true, you just need to cut corners here and there after kids as I'm not into cooking everything from scratch kinda girl anymore.


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