Although this blog is only about Iman and my experiences while raising her... this post has entirely to do with me. But somewhere, there is a parental connection, because like me, all mommies must go through this too!
Yesterday in between classes, I had about 15 minutes where I had nothing to do. All my corrections were done, all papers marked. I didn't want to take a trip down to the staff room, and there was no one in my classroom. Instinctively I called Omair, because I'm not used to
not doing anything. He didn't answer... so there I sat.
I had nothing to do AND I was alone. Normal people usually take this time to think about things, but really, I sat there thinking... I have no thoughts! Jokes apart, all moms are always working double time. We're doing something, thinking about something else while planning the next task ALL at the same time. So really, my mind is so cluttered with nonsense that its forgotten to think.
I looked out the window. Nicely manicured soccer field. Boys kicking the ball around. I tried to listen to the sounds, kids were on break so there was that "playground" noise. I had an orange in my bag, so I took that out. And perhaps after the longest time, I ate an orange so peacefully.
And while I ate my perfect orange, I decided that I would find some thoughts of my own. Thoughts that had nothing to do with Iman, Omair or school. Nothing to do with anything. My own personal thoughts. After all, I am a whole person on my own, I should be capable of thinking. So I started with current events. What were my thoughts on today's headlines? Uh oh. I really didn't know today's headlines. Not that I am shelled up in my own little hole, but really, I only catch the news once a week. Really.
Moving right along... what were my thoughts on the current cricket world cup happenings... ok, too painful, can't think about that EVER.
Forcefully pushed that out of my mind.
Let's keep going... What movie did I want to see? Damn, I have no idea what's playing or what will be playing. I don't go to the movies.
And by this time my orange was just about finished, and so was my capacity for finding my "own" thoughts. So I came to a conclusion: This is who I am. Mom, Wife, Teacher and Friend. And for what it's worth, my thoughts can only consist of my existence. Trying to look for thoughts to think wouldn't be possible. So I decided to embrace my life for what it was and finished off the last couple of minutes thinking about what to make for dinner :)