The Silence is Killing Me!!
Normally Iman is a chatterbox. Infact, so much so, that I have to ask her to keep quiet. Her run on sentences and run on thoughts make me crave silence in our house. She can go on and on and on and on and on... you get the picture.
Two days ago she got a sore throat. Poor thing, it's so sore that she hasn't been able to talk. Most of the time she'll answer questions with an "um hmm" and a nod or an "um um" and a shake of the head. She's been so quiet, that even when I try to initiate conversation, most of her replies are hand gestures!
When I called my sister (mother of 4 -- two girls and two boys) she said, "Enjoy the silence while it lasts... because it won't last more than two days!"
As much as I wanted her to be quiet, I really miss having her non stop chatter in the house.
Maybe you could use this as an opportunity to develop some complex 'sign language game'? Just a thought...
D, it's only going to last a couple of days. That's too much effort for such short time. Plus, I think she's developed a sign language all on her own, and when I don't understand her, she bursts into tears!
hope she gets better soon insha'Allah!
hey, what happened to tht bird on ur khirki? is it stil ther?
anon, I totally forgot about that!! Will do a post on it really soon.
Guess this qualifies as a "be careful what you wish for" sorta thing. Hope the little sweetie is feeling better.
(And the sign language thing? Little ones do often develop their own signs for things and you learn what they mean. Which is actually something very creative and positive and brain enhancing or whatever. BUT, make sure that if, for example, she has a sign for "I want a drink" you don't just say, "Ok, honey" and get it for her. Say, "Oh, you want a drink?"...keep using words with the signs. Know how I know? Because The Child had a vocab of over 100 words by the time she was 1 and by the time she was 2 had practically stopped talking because she used signs instead. As soon as we realized that we weren't talking back in response to the signs and added that it, she began talking a lot more and the signs eventually went away (which I guess is what they are supposed to do). Anyway, I know Iman is a little older than that but it was an interesting phenomenon.
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