Saturday, April 29, 2006

Calling all idea thinkers!!

Iman's 2nd birthday is coming up and I am stuck for ideas. Our house is too small to fit in all our guests, and I need a nice party venue!

Please make suggestions... ask your friends, ask them to ask their friends.

Keep these things in mind:
-Dubai is too warm for anything outdoors
-She's turning 2, not 20, so the venue must be child-friendly
-I would like to do something in the early afternoon

Please suggest what ever you can.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Right Friends at the Right Time

It's always great when your friends migrate through the stages of life as you do.

When you're single, it's great to have other single friends. You can do the same things, check out guys together, laugh at the same jokes... daringly admit that you love being single (but secretly wish for Mr. Right to come along anytime now). When you're dating, it's always nice that your friends are seeing someone too. You can go for movies together, you can plan double dates for dinner and you can always relax because you don't have to "look out" for her at parties. Then when marriage comes along, it's even better when the other friends are getting married too. You can practically spend a whole year planning and attending one wedding after another. Then comes the "coupledom"... when you guys call each other over for cozy dinners at home. You plan trips together, and on days when you just want to relax, you rent a couple of movies and order pizza with them.

The final stage is parenthood.

When it seems that you almost "planned" your pregnancies together. You go through the same symptoms, enjoy the same developments in your life and also share the same fears that are about to unfold in the next chapter. Your children are born a few months apart and you practically call each other every hour to ask questions, share a story or just to take a break!

In a perfect world and among perfect friends that would be the best case scenario. But unfortunately our friends don't migrate with us, we have to migrate to other friends.

P.S. I am not trying to say that you can't keep old friendships, only saying that it's easier to have friends who share the same problems and are experiencing similar things in life :)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

Love you today, love you tomorrow, love you forever, love you for always.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Learning the lessons to sacrifice for love

I think that when any woman becomes a mother, she sets out to do the most perfect job ever done. In her newborns eyes she envisions her own success as a parent, and then she works very, very hard to make that vision become a reality.

Over the past two years, I have done everything in my power to be a good mom for Iman. I’ve stayed up the long endless nights, I’ve breastfed according to the doctor’s orders, I’ve given up on my wishes and my desires, I’ve spent time playing with her, I’ve cleaned up after her, I’ve hugged her when she’s sad and kissed those bruises and cuts a million times (even after they’ve healed). I’ve sang to her in the night, I’ve smiled at the mess she’s made, I’ve stayed up all night waiting for her fever to subside, woken up at 3 am to give her an antibiotic dose. I’ve cooked meal after meal and snack after snack, keeping calories and nutrition in mind. I’ve driven to the park on my most tired days, I’ve clapped at every silly new thing she’s done. I’ve prayed for her every night. I’ve cried when she wasn’t well. I’ve read to her, making silly voices for each character, I’ve memorized every Barney song. I’ve learned to appreciate her creativity, and let go of my own desire to keep things in order. I’ve watched my immaculate house turn into a play room, with toys under the sofas and stains on the rug. I’ve smiled for her even when I was sad…

I’ve given up the lunch dates, the late nights out with friends. I’ve given up the books I used to love, magazines and newspapers. I’ve given up manicures and pedicures and massages and facials. I’ve given up fancy restaurants and dinner parties. On many days I’ve given up my husband too! I’ve given up “alone” time. I’ve given up privacy in the bathroom. I’ve given up long phone calls, I’ve also given up long conversations in general. I’ve given up a lot of myself.

And after giving up all those things and making adjustments to my life, I’ve gained the opportunity of being a mother. Something that can never be imagined, only experienced. I’ve learned that a child’s love is the most pure and unconditional love on earth. I’ve learned that without Iman, my life would never have been complete. I’ve learned that no matter how many mistakes I make, she’ll always be my baby. I’ve learned to look for smaller things in life, and laugh without any reason. I’ve learned to let my guard down and be silly when I want. I’ve learned to let go of things when they are no longer in my power, and I’ve learned new things about myself. And as I teach her so many things, I learn the most important lessons in life… from her.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The things they say... and what they mean.

Sometimes, even though Iman can be great with words... she can't express herself well enough (go figure... she isn't even 2!). Most of the time I can make out what she's saying and what she needs, but there are those few occasions, when her actions speak louder than words (literally!).

Omair is off to another business trip, and here I am, holding up the fort all by myself. I firmly believe that parenting is a 2 person job, because there is no human out there, that can be a good parent ALL the time. We all have our moments where we fall apart and can no longer do our job well. That's when the other person is handy.

These past few days I have tried to be 2 people at the same time, but I have also learned that for Iman, I can never take the place of her Dad. She's always been very close to Omair, in fact, they share this bizarre unexplainable connection, and I always find it amusing to observe them together. So his absence has been rather frustrating for our little one. Although I have been honest about his whereabouts, Iman doesn't seem to grasp the concept of a "business trip" and more often than I like, she's been whining and crying uncontrollably. She's asked about him so many times, that I am tired of repeating the same story... "Baba is in Bahrain for work. Baba is in the office. He's going to come back soon. Baba loves Iman very much. He's coming home very soon"... But all this consolation is no good. In not so many words Iman has been expressing her love for her Dad, and trying to show me that she misses him more than I probably know.

Hidden behind her tears and her temper tantrums is a special love. Something she still can't put into words, but something she just can't live without.