Saturday, April 07, 2007

I Can, because I am the mom.

This morning I woke up with an overwhelming desire to have chococate for breakfast. So I did. Not 1, not 2, BUT... 3 bars of chocolate.
I can do this because I am the mom. I don't have to anwer to anyone or justify my choice of nutrition.
Can Iman get away with this? NO WAY!
Don't you know.... breakfast is the most important meal of the day? You need to pack it in with fiber, calcium, grains, fruit...!! It provides you with essential energy.
But I can have whatever I want, because I grew up, got married, and earned the right eat whatever I please.


At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey- thanks for dropping in regularly :) i realize the post natal me will be a new me in many ways- i think the last trimester is designed to help all these realizations fall into place. so am trying to enjoying the pace as it gets set naturally :) hope it stays as wondrous as it seems to some.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Lorraine said...

Amen! Power to the mommies!

(I had jellybeans for breakfast).


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